Sunday, March 3, 2013

A little background...

I'm new to take it easy on me. I'm creating this blog mostly for friends and family to follow our year in Malaysia. :o) I will try to include as many pictures and be completely honest about how things are here. But first, I figured I would give a little background to anyone wondering how we got here!

Cody spent 2 months here last summer for work. It was the longest 2 months ever! They briefly talked to him about coming back for 1 year, but it wasn't the right time for our family. End of discussion...or so I thought.

Fast forward to December 27...he gets a text from his boss asking if he would still consider coming. We immediately start talking. There was so much to consider, including our family and friends. Obviously we decided we were up for the adventure.

I was completely unprepared for the amount of time and work it would take to get our family ready to move this far. Gathering immunization records, birth certificates, passports, etc. I became a full time secretary...or executive administrative assistant as Cody said.

After all the hard work, organization, packing, unpacking and repacking...we arrived in the wee hours of February 26, and we slept!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! I am so impressed that you started this blog! I'm very excited to follow your post and it is also very motivating and inspiring to me and my own quest to write and to publish! Go, sister!
